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What does Third Party Fire and Theft car insurance cover?

With Third Party Fire and Theft car insurance, you’ll be covered for any damage you cause to other people’s property, as well as damage to your car caused by fire or theft.

It doesn’t cover accidental damage to your own car (which is covered by comprehensive car insurance), but it does cover more than Third Party Property Damage car insurance.

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Frequently asked questions

How does Third Party Fire and Theft compare to other car insurance policies?

Third Party Fire and Theft car insurance isn’t the cheapest type of car insurance around, but it’s also not the most expensive. Here’s how it compares to comprehensive car insurance (the highest level of car cover) and Third Party Property Damage insurance (lowest level).

What’s included?ComprehensiveThird Party Fire and TheftThird Party Property Damage
Accidental damage to other cars and property
Accidental damage to your car
Fire damage
Theft of your vehicle and damage from attempted theft
Hire car following theft
Towing costs for your vehicle✓ (fire and theft incidents only)
Hire car following an accident
New car replacement
Some insurance policies may differ. For the full details including payout limits, exclusions, terms, conditions and more, read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and any associated policy documents.

Legal liability for any physical injuries you cause to other people is covered by Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance, which is called Green Slip insurance in New South Wales (NSW) and Motor Accident Insurance in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). CTP insurance is generally included in your vehicle’s registration, except for NSW residents who must purchase Green Slip insurance separately.

How is the cost of Third Party Fire and Theft insurance calculated?

Similar to other types of car insurance, your Third Party Fire and Theft premium is calculated based on your individual circumstances, for example:

  • Your age. Young drivers (under the age of 25) tend to pay more for their car insurance.
  • Gender. Men often get charged more for their cover than women, based on driver statistics insurance providers may include in their calculations.
  • Your address. If you live in a suburb with high rates of car theft, for example, you might be at an increased risk of making a claim. This goes for flood plains and bushfire-prone locations, too.
  • Your policy. The level of cover you choose will affect the price you pay, as well as what you’re covered for. You might also have the option of adding further cover at an extra cost.
  • Your car. The make and model, value, age, condition and even the colour of your car all play a part in how much it costs to insure it.

Can I reduce the cost of my Third Party Fire and Theft cover?

There are some steps you can take to reduce the price of your car insurance premiums, though these can differ between insurance providers and plans. These include:

  • Restricting the age of drivers. Restricting the age of your car’s drivers (e.g. only people over the age of 18, 21 or 25) can reduce the cost of your insurance.
  • Increasing your excess. Choosing a higher excess will cost you more if you need to claim but will reduce your regular premium payments.
  • Looking out for discounts. Some insurance companies offer discounts if you combine your car insurance with an existing insurance product like home and contents cover, while others provide discounts for purchasing insurance online.

Does third party fire and theft cover learner drivers?

Learner drivers may be covered by Third Party Fire and Theft policy, as long as a licensed driver accompanies them while they’re driving. Some insurers may require any Learner driver who uses the covered vehicle to be listed on the policy (Please check the PDS for clarification.) However, if the learner is responsible for an incident, you’ll typically incur the young or inexperienced driver excess on top of the standard excess payment.

Can I get roadside assistance with Third Party Fire and Theft insurance?

Roadside assistance and emergency repairs typically aren’t covered by third party car insurance. Roadside assistance is not an insurance product but, many car insurance providers will offer this service as an optional extra. You might choose to buy roadside assistance separately – possibly from a different provider altogether – or purchase it with your current car insurance policy.

What if an uninsured driver hits my car?

In most cases, third party car insurance doesn’t cover damage to your vehicle. However, if an uninsured driver causes damage to your vehicle, you can make a claim with your provider.

Most car insurance providers allow customers to claim for this scenario possibly without incurring an excess, so long as you can provide the name, contact information and licence number of the uninsured driver responsible.

Can I choose who repairs my vehicle?

Car insurance companies generally have their own preferred repairers for fixing your vehicle; any work they do also has a lifetime guarantee from your provider. If you have a Third Party Fire and Theft policy and your car is damaged by fire or theft, your provider won’t typically give you a choice of repairer. However, some may, or even offer this choice as an optional extra, which is why it’s important to compare policies.

Are aftermarket upgrades covered by Third Party Fire and Theft insurance?

Depending on when you take out your policy and what coverage is on offer, your aftermarket upgrades can be covered. If you’re taking out a new policy for a recently purchased ride or switching providers, you can list the aftermarket upgrades when providing details about your vehicle. Any extra parts and upgrades will be counted in the cost of your insurance.

If you already have insurance and do up your car, you won’t be covered unless you contact your provider to advise them of the changes you have made and, if required, upgrade your cover. Extending your policy to cover aftermarket upgrades may result in the cost of your insurance increasing. If you don’t notify your insurance provider and your vehicle is damaged, you’ll likely have to pay the price for fixing or replacing aftermarket parts yourself.

Adrian Taylor, General Manager

Tips on Third Party Fire & Theft from our car insurance expert, Adrian Taylor

  1. TPFT will cover any damage you cause to other people’s property, as well as fire and theft to your vehicle. Premiums are more affordable than a full comprehensive policy and are generally for lower priced vehicles. It’s important to read the PDS to understand full coverage of this policy.
  2. If you move home, it’s important to update your car insurance as well as your home and contents. Where you live and park your car will have an impact on the premium you pay.
  3. You can switch your car insurance anytime – you don’t have to wait for your renewal notice to arrive. If you switch before renewal, just check for any cancellation fees. If you’ve paid your premium in full upfront you’ll receive a pro-rata refund for the unused period of insurance (if no claim has been made on the policy).
  4. Whether comparing TPFT cover or Comprehensive cover, it is always wise to check the inclusions and exclusions as the cover offered by insurers will vary. Also check the price of each option as it may be more advantageous in the longer term to purchase Comprehensive Car Insurance cover to avoid loss and inconvenience, depending on the value of the car
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