Looking for Roadside Assistance?

If you’re looking for help in cases where your car breaks down, roadside assistance may be available as an optional extra in some car insurance policies.

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What is roadside assistance?

Roadside assistance is a service that could cover you when your car experiences trouble on the road. This can include help with:

  • Flat tyres
  • Dead batteries
  • Lockouts
  • Towing
  • Fuel delivery.

Why should I consider car insurance?

Even a basic car insurance policy could provide financial protection if you cause damage to someone else’s property – including their motor vehicle. Some insurers may also offer roadside assistance as an optional add-on, which may give you peace of mind knowing that you’re covered in case of a breakdown.

Meet our car insurance expert, Adrian Taylor

Adrian Taylor
Executive General Manager – General Insurance

As the Executive General Manager of General Insurance at Compare the Market, Adrian Taylor has over 13 years’ experience in the financial services industry. Adrian specialises in customer experience and is dedicated to helping customers better understand insurance products so they can save money on their household bills.