With the launch of Compare the Market’s new pet insurance search tool, which boasts unrivalled customer experience for people searching for pet insurance, the Compare the Market team hosted a stand at the Brisbane Pet Show on the 1st and 2nd of July to many awaiting pet lovers.
Over the course of the two days, Compare the Market saw our stall capture the attention of thousands who came by to see what our ‘Meerkat Approved Pet Insurance’ is all about as well as enter into a raffle to win one of our ‘world famous’ meerkat toys.
With around 29 million pets across Australia, many households have at least a pet they have welcomed into their family and treat as well as any member of their home. Yet, while many people have cover for when they get sick or injured, research from Compare the Market has found that 73% of Australians don’t have their pets insured.
Throughout the Brisbane Pet Show, the team from Compare the Market saw to educate prospective and current pet owners that pet insurance is an integral part of pet ownership, as it can help take on the financial burden that may come from emergency vet bills for accidents or illnesses that befall their pet.