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Press releases


Buyers blow budget to break into surging market

Over a third of buyers who purchased properties over past five years borrowed more money than they planned to, according to new figures from Compare the Market, shedding light on the sentiment behind Australia’s raging property market. The home loan comparator surveyed 510 people who had purchased a property between 2017 and 2021 to measure […]


How the other half drive: Sydney’s top motor brands revealed

If you’re behind a wheel in Sydney, there’s a good chance it’s a Toyota – unless you’re really posh – according to sales data from Compare the Market that’s lifted the hood on the city’s favourite cars. The figures confirm one brand’s dominance on the roads does not extend to Sydney’s most exclusive suburbs, where […]


Driving less? Save more on your car insurance with this Simples check

Australian motorists could save hundreds of dollars on car insurance premiums if they drive less than they used to because of the pandemic or general lifestyle changes. Adjusting the annual mileage on a car insurance policy can have a significant impact on costs, with premiums varying by as much as $454 a year, based on […]


Deadly driver distractions: 78% of drivers admit to multi-tasking behind the wheel – with eating and drinking the most common disruption

Driver distraction results in up to one in 10 fatalities and at least 14 per cent of all car crashes[1]. Among accidents caused by diverted attention, 36 per cent occur due to distractions within the vehicle.[2] Despite this, concerning new research has found that 3 in 4 Aussie motorists are still multi-tasking behind the wheel. […]


Nearly 1 in 2 employees put organisations at risk of cyber attacks – medium-sized businesses worst offenders

Cyber attacks are rapidly increasing among Australian organisations,[1] with cybercrime costing our economy more than $1 billion annually.[2] On top of this, small businesses account for 43 per cent of all cybercrime targets.[3] Now, new research reveals that the online activities of nearly half of Australian employees have put the organisations they work for at […]


The added cost of electricity usage in winter vs summer

This winter has been an especially chilly time for Aussies, causing us to crank our heaters up and insulate the household. With many trying to stay warm, our increased energy usage may see electricity bill prices increase by $117.70 to $298.261 in winter vs summer. We surveyed 1,000 Australians across the country to understand general […]


The Single Tax: The price we pay for not being in a relationship

Being independent, free and fabulous seems to come with a price tag as more and more singletons cop the hefty cost of being on their own. With almost one in four Australians living in a single person household1, the financial strains and pressures of living without a partner becomes an expensive and all too common […]


Three-quarters of consumers don’t know their health policy may close and 60% don’t trust their fund to switch them

Thousands of health insurance policyholders could be switched to alternative policies as the long-awaited governmental private health insurance reforms start to come into effect on 1 April. For the first time ever, health funds can migrate consumers from a terminated policy onto another product that their fund elects is comparable in price and coverage. Policyholders […]

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For media enquiries and interviews please contact one of the team on the below details.

Chris Ford
GM Media & Communications

Phillip Portman
Media and Communications Manager

Hannah Norton
Digital PR Manager

Sarah Orr
Strategic Communications Manager