Get the property details you need with our free property reports

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Inspected a property and want to know more about it? We can help with that – our new property report tool is fast, friendly and free to use.

A quick and easy process

Once you’ve told us which property you’re interested in, it’ll take mere minutes for us to serve up the relevant report.

Detailed property information

When you get a property report from us, you won’t just get the basics – you’ll also get an activity summary, a price estimate and recent sales in the area.

Fetch as many as you like

There’s no limit on how many property reports you can retrieve via our service, so search away!

Best of all – it’s free

You won’t pay a cent for any property reports we help you retrieve.

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Property reports explained

Should you get a property report? Andrew Winter, host of Selling Houses Australia, has a few reasons why it could be worth your while.

Why should I get a property report?

  • Property reports are designed to provide specific and useful information on a certain property.
  • The information a property report contains can be of use to both buyers and sellers.
  • Property reports are free; you can get one via our new home loan comparison tool.

How to get a free property or suburb report

Andrew Winter walks you through the process of accessing unlimited free property and suburb reports with Compare the Market.

Work smarter, not harder when researching properties

Getting a property report is one of the quickest ways to decide whether you’re interested in a property or not. Get unlimited free property reports in minutes today with Compare the Market!

Get your free property report

Understanding property reports

What is a property report?

A property report is a document designed and compiled to provide relevant information on a specific property. They’re often used for two key purposes by two groups of people:

  • Prospective buyers might use a property report to scope out a house they’re thinking of buying.
  • Prospective sellers might use a property report to decide whether selling their property is a good idea at the moment.

But before commissioning a property report, you should understand what information it’s likely to contain.

When should I get a property report?

If you’re buying a property, a property report can be a useful tool at any stage of the purchase. However, it might be most useful following your initial inspection of the house, before you’ve committed to any extent but after establishing that you’re interested in buying it.

And if you’re selling a property, you’ll generally want to get a property report well before making any plans or commitments to sell. It will give you general price and sales data that you’ll want to be able to consider before making the decision to sell.

How do I get a property report?

Our new home loan platform offers free property reports as well as:

You can also obtain a free property report from a number of online sources including real estate websites and home loan providers.

Using property reports

What will a property report tell me?

A property report will generally contain the following property information:

  • The basic property details, including its address, the type of property (i.e. whether it’s a house, apartment or townhouse), the number of bedrooms and bathrooms it has, its floor plan, area in square metres and select pictures of the property.
  • The estimated property value, based on the price that similar properties have recently sold for in the same area. This estimated market value will generally be described as either low, medium or high confidence, denoting the expected accuracy of the valuation.
  • The property’s history and an activity summary, including sales history (e.g. past sale prices and dates, how long it was on the market for and sales method), any rental history (if the property has one), methods of sale and days on market during past sales and purchases.
  • Comparable sales in the area and suburb insights, to give you an idea of what people are currently buying and selling for in your area (and potentially in surrounding postcodes as well), and what the property sales and market trends look like over the shorter and longer term. If you’re seeking more specific information on the area in question, you may also want to retrieve the relevant suburb report.

A property report may also include additional information, such as vacancy rates and recent sales in the area, and an estimated rental yield for the property. However, you should keep in mind that these reports are only guides; the property data they contain could potentially be out of date.

What else should I look at before buying a property?

If you’re after a property report because you’re considering buying a specific property, there are a few other steps you should consider taking. These include:

  • Getting a pest inspection done
  • Researching the area thoroughly – are there any significant developments planned for the area? What’s the crime rate like, and has it been trending upwards or downwards in recent years? Get as much market data as you can for that area.
  • Getting a building inspection done. An in-person inspection can be invaluable, but a professional inspector will be able to identify any damage or structural issues.

A property report will tell you a lot about the place, but getting the right inspections done before you buy will show you even more and can help you decide whether you should proceed with the purchase or not.

What else should I look at before selling a property?

If you’re gearing up to sell a property based on the information you’ve learned from a property report, you should probably also:

  • Get the property looking sale-ready. Mowing the grass, cleaning windows and even a fresh coat of paint can help make your property more attractive to prospective buyers.
  • Have the property professionally inspected so you can address any needed repairs or touch-ups.
  • Find a good real estate agent!
Stephen Zeller, General Manager

Meet our home loans expert,
Stephen Zeller

Stephen has more than 30 years of experience in the financial services industry and holds a Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking. He’s also a member of both the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF) and the Mortgage and Finance Association of Australia (MFAA).

Stephen leads our team of Home Loan Specialists, and reviews and contributes to Compare the Market’s banking-relating content to ensure it’s as helpful and empowering as possible for our readers.

Expert tips for utilising property reports

As General Manager of Money at Compare the Market, Stephen Zeller wants to empower consumers to help them make smart property moves, and knows how crucial the ability to read and understand a property report is in that respect. With that in mind, he’s got some top tips for you:

  1. It can be difficult to understand whether the property that you’re looking to buy is being marketed at a fair and reasonable price in today’s market. This is where a property report can help. A property report will provide a price range based on recent sales activity in the area for similar properties and can act as a guide for you when considering whether to buy or not.
  2. Thinking of buying an investment property? A property report can also be handy here, as it not only provides general property information, but will also outline the median weekly rent and gross rental yields.
  3. Do you need to borrow additional funds but just aren’t sure how much equity you may have? A property report will provide you with an estimate of your property’s value and help you make that crucial financial decision.

Want to know more about home loans?

Ready to get started?

Don’t waste your own time inspecting properties that aren’t right for you – take the guesswork out of your property search with a free property report today! Click the button below to get started.

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