Negative equity explained

Average customer rating: 4.3/5
Written by James Hurwood
Reviewed by Stephen Zeller
Updated 29 October 2024

Expert tips for avoiding negative equity

Our General Manager of Money, Stephen Zeller, has suggestions to help homeowners avoid negative equity.

Stephen Zeller
General Manager – Money

Pay attention to the property market cycle

Borrowers who buy a property towards the end of a housing market peak, right before prices fall can end up with negative equity, and a property worth less than the balance of their home loan. Pay attention to the property market, and only gear up to buy if you think house prices are likely to stay stable or increase in the medium term.

Grow your saved home loan deposit first

Your home loan deposit can protect you against market factors pushing you into negative equity, so you want it to be as large as possible. Consider saving longer to grow your deposit or lower your price range so your existing deposit is larger, relative to your future loan’s size. The larger your deposit and the lower your loan-to-value ratio (LVR), the further you’re away from slipping into negative equity.

Be wary of new properties

Newly built properties may be overvalued or incorrectly valued within the broader context of the real estate market, and therefore priced at more than they’re worth. This could lead to you buying a new home for a given price, but seeing its assessed market value drop rapidly not long after purchase. Existing properties are typically more realistically valued.

How does negative equity work?

What is negative equity?

How do I know if I have negative equity?

What can cause negative equity?

Is negative equity always bad?

Understanding the impacts of negative equity

What happens if you’re in negative equity?

Does negative equity affect your borrowing power?

Does negative equity affect your credit score?

Managing the impacts of negative equity

How can I get out of negative equity?

What if I need to sell a property but I have negative equity?

How can I avoid negative equity in the future?

Meet our home loans expert, Stephen Zeller

Stephen Zeller
General Manager – Money

Stephen has more than 30 years of experience in the financial services industry and holds a Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking. He’s also a member of both the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF) and the Mortgage and Finance Association of Australia (MFAA).

Stephen leads our team of Mortgage Brokers, and reviews and contributes to Compare the Market’s banking-related content to ensure it’s as helpful and empowering as possible for our readers.