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Why compare electricity and gas in Canberra and the Australian Capital Territory?

  • Look for a cheaper plan. There’s a range of energy providers and plans available in Canberra and the greater ACT area. If you haven’t shopped around in a while or you’re on the Default Market Offer (DMO), you may find a plan that better suits your usage needs and budget by comparing. The DMO is a cap on the annual bill amount that energy providers can charge customers for standard electricity plans.
  • Understand your property’s tariff. The tariff you’re on will impact how your provider charges you for electricity or gas. Some tariffs (such as time-of-use tariffs) allow you to alter your energy consumption to make the most of your plan.
  • Take advantage of discounts and incentives. If you haven’t updated your energy plan in a while, you may find that your  plan benefits have expired, you’re no longer receiving a discount or you’ve rolled on to a DMO plan. Comparing energy plans can help you keep on top of offers with attractive discounts, potentially saving you money in the long run.

Our comparison service makes it easy to compare natural gas and electricity in Canberra and the ACT.

We can help you find a new deal from electricity and gas providers in Canberra and the ACT

A great place to compare

Search for a range of electricity and gas providers in Canberra and the greater ACT area in one place. If you find an electricity or gas plan you like from our panel, we can help you switch.

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Whether you need advice about your gas or electricity plan or are comfortable searching on your own, we’re eager to help residents in the ACT.

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Our service is 100% free to use, so you can compare as much as you want and for as long as you want! Learn more.

Learn more about energy in the ACT

Comparing energy plans

The ACT energy market has several energy providers, so you’re spoilt for choice! We can help you look for a plan that suits the energy needs of your home.

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Connecting the power when moving

If you’ve left your connection to the last minute, we may be able to connect electricity the same day or on the next business day when you compare with us online. It can take up to three business days to connect gas.

Learn more

The pros of using a smart meter

Smart meters provide energy-conscious Canberrans greater insight into their energy usage. Some smart meters also give you access to more tariffs, such as time-of-use tariffs, which could allow you to alter your energy usage and potentially see greater savings on your energy bill.

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State energy concessions

Depending on their circumstances, some households in Canberra can apply for rebates to help pay for power bills. We go into detail about these concessions.

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Renewable energy options

If you want to commit to a sustainable energy plan or one that supports GreenPower, be mindful that future savings may come at the expense of upfront costs. Click ‘learn more’ below for the pros and cons.

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The benefits of solar batteries

You won’t just save money and reduce your emissions by using solar batteries. We explain how this technology works come rain or shine.

Read our guide

More information on energy in the ACT

How the electricity market in the ACT works

In the ACT, the energy market is deregulated, since you can choose who you want as your energy provider. However, the price for standing electricity offers is regulated by the government. These offers are known as the Default Market Offer (DMO).

If you’re on a standing (DMO) offer, you’ll notice that:

  • The government sets the prices
  • Rates change once every six months at most
  • The plans don’t include discounts.

Because customers in deregulated states and territories can choose their energy provider, energy markets tend to see more competitive rates between energy providers. These competitive plans are called market offers.

Market offers tend to be more competitive and affordable than standing offers for regulated zones as they sometimes include discounts and a fixed price or price guarantee period. Your energy provider normally sets up market offers, which are subject to change at any time, even after you’ve signed up.

Simply put, this means that you have the freedom to pick and choose between energy providers in ACT, but you can also ask for a standing offer. It means you can shop around for a plan that suits you on your terms!

Learn more about the deregulated market.

The introduction of the DMO and the reference price

Since October 2021, electricity providers in Canberra and the ACT must disclose the price difference between the electricity plans they offer and the DMO. Electricity retailers (providers) can set their own usage and supply charges, as long as the annual amount for the average usage doesn’t exceed the DMO amount.

The DMO protects you against providers that set unfair costs and acts as a reference price. This is a benchmark electricity price that’s based on your location’s average annual electricity usage, plus the usage and supply charges of each offer.

NSW, South East QLD and SA first implemented the DMO in July 2019. Meanwhile, a similar benchmark specific for VIC, known as the Victorian Default Offer (VDO), was also introduced in 2019.

The reference price applies to residential customers on flat or time-of-use tariffs regardless of whether there’s a controlled load tariff or not. For small business customers, it only applies to flat tariffs where prices for electricity supply don’t include controlled load tariffs.

Here are the reference prices that apply between 1 October 2021 and 30 June 2022.

Customer typeAnnual electricity consumption (kWh)Annual reference price
Residential customer without controlled load6,100$2,090
Residential customer with controlled load6,300 (general consumption)
2,500 (controlled load consumption)
Small business customer on flat tariffs20,000$7,520

Source: ACT Government – ‘Utilities (Representative Consumption and Reference Price) Determination 2021’ – Accessed 22/11/2021

How electricity and gas charged is in ACT

In Canberra and the greater ACT area, customers will pay a fixed daily supply charge for electricity to be distributed to their property and a usage charge for each kilowatt-hour (kWh) of that electricity they use, which is charged as cents per kWh (c/kWh). The more electricity a customer uses, the higher the usage charges will be.

For gas, you’ll also pay a fixed daily supply charge and a usage charge for each megajoule of gas used (charged as cents per MJ (c/MJ).

Take a look through our energy provider comparison table below to easily compare electricity and gas providers in Canberra and their plans and rates. Alternatively, head over to our energy comparison service to enter your details and compare a range of plans of all prices and features.

ACT electricity tariffs and pricing explained

Since the ACT’s energy market is both regulated and deregulated, customers can choose from a range of energy plans and tariffs. Depending on various factors, including where you live and your usage, a new plan may feature a tariff that helps reduce the cost of your bill.

Types of tariffs in the ACT

Tariffs are the pricing structures that influence the way providers charge you for your energy usage. A tariff includes the daily supply charge and the usage charge. The daily supply charge (also known as service or fixed charge) is a set amount your electricity provider charges to supply electricity or gas to your home or business; it isn’t influenced by how much energy you use.

The usage charge (also known as the consumption or variable charge) is the cost of the electricity or gas you use and appears on your bill as c/kWh for electricity and cents per megajoule (c/MJ) for gas.

The following are the types of electricity tariffs that may be applicable in the ACT:

  • Single rate tariffs charge the same, single rate for your energy usage throughout the day or day of the week.
  • Time-of-use tariffs charge different rates throughout the day or day of the week depending on which times you use energy. These times are generally known as peak, off-peak and shoulder. You’ll need a smart meter or time-of-use meter to take advantage of a time-of-use tariff plan.
  • Controlled load tariffs charge a lower, off-peak rate for large household appliances (like underfloor heating or electric hot water systems) that usually run during the night or in off-peak periods.

Peak, off-peak and shoulder times

To take advantage of peak, off-peak and shoulder times and rates, you’ll need to have a smart meter and be on a time-of-use tariff plan. You may find that the actual times of these periods vary between electricity providers, but according to the ACT Government, peak, off-peak and shoulder times in ACT are generally as follows:1

  • Peak times are from 7am to 9am and 5pm to 8pm. This is when there’s a higher demand for electricity usage in the territory, so it’ll cost you more to use appliances during these busier times (if you have a smart meter and time-of-use tariff).
  • Shoulder times are from 9am to 5pm and 8pm to 10pm. Shoulder times see less electricity usage in ACT than peak times and, as such, the cost of energy during this time is a little cheaper.
  • Off-peak times are from 10pm to 7am. Electricity usage is at its lowest during this time and is the cheapest out of the three periods.

Some tariffs, like time-of-use, may apply more than one usage charge to your bill for peak, off-peak and shoulder times.

Canberra and ACT electricity providers

Our energy comparison service can help you compare energy plans and providers in Canberra, the ACT and beyond. Simply enter in a few details, like your energy usage and postcode, and within minutes you can compare electricity and gas plans in Canberra from a range of energy providers.

You can see which electricity suppliers in Canberra retail electricity by reviewing the list below. We don’t compare products from all electricity providers on this list as we don’t compare all brands in the market, or all products offered by all brands. Find information about the electricity providers we currently compare.

  •  ActewAGL
  • CovaU
  • Discover Energy
  • Elysian Energy
  • Energy Locals
  • EnergyAustralia
  • Origin Energy
  • Powerclub
  • Radian Energy
  • ReAmped Energy
  • Red Energy
  • Social Energy

* The information provided above is based in the postcode of 2600 and is accurate as of 20 October 2021. Data sourced from the Australian Energy Regulator (AER).

carillon tower lake burley griffin at dusk representing canberra act electricity providers

ACT electricity and gas providers

The following energy providers also supply gas in ACT.

  • ActewAGL
  • CovaU
  • EnergyAustralia
  • Origin Energy
  • Red Energy

* * The information provided above is accurate as of 25 October 2021. Data sourced from the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Victoria.

What is a solar feed-in tariff?

If you have a solar power system for your house or business, you may end up generating more solar energy than you use. With a solar feed-in tariff in the ACT, your solar system can feed extra and unused energy back into the electricity grid. You may get paid for it as a credit on your electricity bill.

Solar feed-in tariffs can vary between energy providers in Canberra, so always consider this when comparing ACT energy plans.

Cheapest electricity in Canberra and the ACT

When it comes to finding the cheapest electricity provider, it’s crucial you compare energy plans and providers in Canberra for your postcode from electricity providers around the territory.

To help you get started, we’ve compiled a table of the cheapest electricity Canberra has to offer.

Electricity providerPlanAnnual Cost (inc. discounts)Annual Cost (excl. discounts)Discount Benefit PeriodContract Term
ReAmped EnergyReAmped Advance | Anytime$1,110.00$1,160.00NoneNone
Elysian EnergyPower Maximiser – Monthly Subscription – No Fees$1,180.00$1,210.00NoneNone
Social EnergySocial Energy Basic Plan$1,310.00$1,310.00NoneNone
Red EnergyLiving Energy Saver (020)$1,320.00$1,320.00NoneNone
Origin EnergyOrigin Go$1,320.00$1,320.00Ongoing1 year
ActewAGLCool Credit$1,340.00$1,340.00Ongoing1 year
EnergyAustraliaTotal Plan Home$1,340.00$1,340.00Ongoing1 year
Radian EnergyThe Simple Switch Res Anytime$1,380.00$1,380.00NoneNone
Energy LocalsOnline Member 2022 – Anytime$1,410.00$1,410.00NoneNone
PowerclubPowerbank Home Flat + Solar$1,450.00$1,450.00NoneNone
CovaUFreedom – Residential Evoenergy TOU$1,520.00$1,520.00NoneNone
Discover EnergyEvoenergy Residential TOU 5 Day Standing Offer$1,550.00$1,550.00NoneNone

* The prices and information provided above are based on a house with two to three adults with no electric heating, hot water or underfloor heating and in the postcode of 2600 and are accurate as of 20 October 2021. Data sourced from the Australian Energy Regulator (AER). Plans and prices are subject to change.

parliament house at twilight representing cheapest electricity canberra act

Frequently asked questions

What is the average residential electricity and gas bill in the ACT?

In July 2021, the annual cost for an all-electric household on a standing offer was $2,623, according to an ACT Energy Prices report.2 Households on standing offers who use both electricity and gas paid an average annual cost of $2,201 for electricity alone. See the table below for more details.

Not sure what a standing offer is? Find out in our section about how the electricity market works in the ACT.

Household typeRegulated zones
All-electric household$2,623 based on a flat rate tariff with an annual consumption of 8,000kWh (GST inclusive).
Electricity and gas household$2,201 for electricity alone, based on an annual consumption of 6,500kWh (GST inclusive).

Source: St Vincent de Paul Society – ‘ACT Energy Prices July 2021 (Page 3 and 4)’ – Accessed 22/11/2021

Remember, the above is an average only and the offers available to you will differ. The best way to know what different plans will cost is to compare your options, so start that journey here!

What energy concessions are available in the ACT?

The ACT offers a Utilities Concession for eligible residents, which can help you save money and minimise your overall cost of living. From 1 July 2021, the annual concession is $750.3

A one-off $50 payment will also be added in the 2021-22 financial year, as well as a one-off $200 COVID-19 rebate, which brings the total concession in 2021-22 to $1,000.

You may be eligible for the Utilities Concession if you’re the primary holder of one of the following cards:

  • Veteran’s Affairs Pensioner Concession Card or Gold Card
  • Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card
  • Centrelink Low Income Health Care Card.

The concession covers electricity, gas, water and sewage, and you can apply for it by simply contacting your energy provider. It’s also worth keeping in mind that you can only apply for a concession from the start date of your concession card.

Find out more about seniors energy rebates and concessions and other state-based rebates you may be eligible for.

Where can I find the best energy deal in the ACT?

The best energy deal for you will depend on your financial circumstances, energy consumption habits and household. Every gas and electricity provider offers varying rates, discounts, payment methods (including direct debit), exit fees (if any) and more. So, while the best deal for someone may be the cheapest plan, the best deal for someone else may be the most flexible.

If you’re looking for the cheapest plan, see the cheapest energy providers in Canberra.

Consider your personal circumstances while comparing energy plans. Our energy comparison service makes it easy to compare energy suppliers and plans in the ACT. You can compare the estimated total costs, usage costs, daily supply charges, and other charges!


  1. ACT Government – ‘actsmart energy saving guide’ – Accessed 22/11/2021
  2. St Vincent de Paul Society – ‘ACT Energy Prices July 2021’ – Accessed 22/11/2021
  3. ACT Government – ‘Utilities Concession’ – Accessed 22/11/2021

Meredith O'Brien

Meet our Head of Energy, Meredith O’Brien

As the Head of Energy at Compare the Market, Meredith O’Brien understands that ACT homes can be powered by both electricity and gas, and so she strives to make this often-complex market as easy as possible for customers to make informed decisions on their energy supply.

Meredith has six years within the energy industry, following 15 years of experience in financial services and is currently studying a Master of Business Administration. Meredith is a dedicated customer advocate who is passionate about empowering Australians to find the right products to suit their needs by removing the confusion from comparing.

Meredith’s top tips

  1. If you find an electricity plan you like, you can switch in as little as two business days and start taking advantage of new rates quicker. In the past, it could take up to three months.
  2. Always compare electricity and gas separately. Although many providers can offer bundled packages, you’ll often find better deals by comparing them separately.
  3. The ACT has cold Winters and warm Summers. Investing in energy-efficient appliances is one way to help keep electricity costs low (especially if you’re more reliant on your heater or air conditioner in extreme weather events).
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