All car owners are required by law to have compulsory third party insurance. In the Northern Territory this is a component of your fee whenever you renew your registration.
CTP provides cover under a motor vehicle accident compensation scheme in the NT, meaning if anyone is injured or dies as a result of an accident you are liable for, you won’t be required to personally pay out any claims made. The Territory Insurance Office (TIO) handles this scheme in the NT.
Visit the Northern Territory Government’s site to learn more about CTP in the NT.
CTP covers you against injury and death claims that may arise from an accident, but it won’t cover you for damages or repairs. So in order to ensure you’re not left with any surprising bills, you can take out comprehensive insurance.
Comprehensive insurance is the most widely bought policy in Australia for insuring damage to vehicles or property, and offers the highest amount of cover. If by chance you end up in an accident, this safeguards against out-of-pocket expenses. This is especially important if you have to get around to remote areas, as without a car everything can quickly come to a halt!