We don’t charge consumers anything to use our comparison service. Instead, we receive a commission each time one of our customers takes out a new business insurance policy after being referred to our trusted business insurance partner, BizCover Pty Ltd (ABN 68 127 707 975, AFSL 501769), and itself earns a commission from the insurer, when you purchase a business insurance policy through the Compare the Market website.
We pride ourselves on the integrity of our comparison service so it is critically important to us that the way we make money doesn’t affect the comparison or presentation of products from our partners.
When you compare or purchase business insurance products on our website, those services are provided to you (and the business-specific pages of the website are owned) by Compare the Market’s trusted business insurance partner, BizCover.
Through the service operated by BizCover, customers can enter details about themselves and their business, describe the type of business insurance product they want, and browse through matching policies available to them.
Once a customer has chosen to purchase a business insurance policy, they can elect to contact, or be contacted by, BizCover in order to arrange the insurance.
The comparison service and any other information provided on our website is factual information or general advice only. That means that we do not make personal recommendations or suggestions, or give advice, about the suitability of a particular insurance product for a customer’s specific needs. Rather, we encourage our customers to evaluate their needs, objectives and situation to decide which products are suitable for them, using our comparison service as a helpful tool.
Through BizCover’s comparison service, our customers can compare products from seven business insurance brands:
There will be times when certain brands are not available, or do not return any quotes to a customer. That might be because the customer does not meet the underwriting criteria, or is not eligible for, particular products.
Getting business cover can be simple! Review your options in minutes.
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