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Health >

Cost of medicines around the world
The most and least visually impaired countries worldwide
Hospital bed availability around the world

Car >

Electric Car Barrier thumbnail
The Electric Car Barrier
Retired couple switch car insurance
Over a third of drivers could be paying too much by auto-renewing their insurance
Rental car insurance in Australia

Money >

David Koch at Compare the Market
David Koch on why Australia might be in a financial literacy emergency
Should I pay LMI or keep saving for a 20% deposit? David Koch weighs in
couple cutting back on essentials
From gambling addictions to hidden bank accounts – Australia’s dirty money secrets exposed

Travel >

Young family at the airport
Cost of airport snacks fly sky high
Adventure index: thrill-seeking hotspots around the world
Businesswoman in airport lounge waiting for flight
Travel delays the most bothersome for travellers

Household >

What is the social carbon footprint of dating apps?
Global EV Charging Costs Compared
Break-in hotspots

Features >

Cost of medicines around the world
The most and least visually impaired countries worldwide
Electric Car Barrier thumbnail
The Electric Car Barrier

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