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James McCay

James is a devoted husband, father, and history buff. He studied Creative and Professional Writing at QUT, and is often buried in a book. He writes on a variety of topics, hoping to make a positive difference for readers through his writing.

[email protected]

Stories by James McCay

A glob,e a heart and a stethescope under the words "World's Healthiest Countries Index 2023"

24 Apr 2023 15:41

World’s Healthiest Countries Index 2023

Written by James McCay

Compare the Market has crunched the numbers to reveal which nation, out of a list of 48 countries, is the healthiest, based on eight different data points.

a man searching for jobs online with the words "Most Searched Jobs" overlaid

21 Apr 2023 16:18

The Most Searched Industries for Jobs

Written by James McCay

Compare the Market has found which industries are the most searched for online for jobs across 39 different countries. Read on to view the results.

a women siitting on a couch using an air-con remote with a title card overlay reading "Electric Arguments"

21 Apr 2023 15:34

Electric Arguments

Written by James McCay

A survey by Compare the Market explores how many people from Australia, Canada and the USA argue with members of their household over electricity bills.

a woman standing next to a car crash with a title card reading "Car accidents in Australia, Canada and the USA"

18 Apr 2023 15:35

Car accidents in Australia, Canada and the USA

Written by James McCay

Compare the Market surveyed Australians, Canadians and Americans, asking who has had a car crash, what car insurance covered and if they changed driving habits.

An image of a car's headlights with the words "Car Prices Around The World" overlaid on top

17 Apr 2023 10:14

Car prices around the world

Written by James McCay

Compare the Market investigates how much car prices change around the world, and which countries have some of the cheapest prices for new cars.

An image of a hand holding a pen using a calculator

17 Apr 2023 10:08

Cost of Living Index 2023

Written by James McCay

Compare the Market has crunched the data for 39 countries to find which ones experience greater cost of living pressures, based on a number of different factors.

a cancer patient sitting by the window with a title card overlay reading "Cancer Hotspots Across The World"

14 Apr 2023 10:04

Cancer Hotspots Across the World

Written by James McCay

Compare the Market has collated data regarding cancer and some related risk-factors to find out which countries in the world may be cancer hotspots.

a man rubbing his eyes with a title card overlay reading "Top Causes of Stress"

3 Apr 2023 15:46

The Top Causes of Stress

Written by James McCay

What are the top causes of stress? Compare the Market surveyed over 3,000 adults from Australia, Canada and the USA to find out.

3 Apr 2023 07:30

Most expensive countries for car ownership

Written by James McCay

Compare the Market indexed 26 different countries on a variety of factors to find which one is the most expensive to own a car in, and which are the cheapest.

people leaving home in an emergency with the words "What Would You Save In An Emergency?" overlaid on the top

29 Mar 2023 11:58

What would you save?

Written by James McCay

A Compare the Market survey asks 3,000 adults from Australia, Canada and the USA what they would save in an emergency, plus what they think insurance covers.

doctor stethescope and notes with a blue background behind a title card reading "How Much Value Do We Put On Our Health?"

22 Mar 2023 09:51

How much do we value our health?

Written by James McCay

Compare the Market surveyed 3,000 Australians, Canadians and Americans, asking if they would go into debt to pay a medical bill for themselves or a loved one.

a cracked and bandaged piggy bank with a title overlay reading "Financially Stressed Countries Index 2023"

21 Mar 2023 13:55

Financially stressed countries index 2023

Written by James McCay

Compare the Market has crunched the data to see which countries, from a list of 34, are the most and least financially stressed, based on multiple data points.

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