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James McCay

James is a devoted husband, father, and history buff. He studied Creative and Professional Writing at QUT, and is often buried in a book. He writes on a variety of topics, hoping to make a positive difference for readers through his writing.

[email protected]

Stories by James McCay

12 Dec 2023 11:20

Building costs around the world

Written by James McCay

In this feature article, Compare the Market compares changes in construction prices around the world to see who has suffered the biggest increases over time.

4 Dec 2023 16:04

Most searched car brands 2023

Written by James McCay

Compare the Market crunches the numbers to find the most searched car brands online for 2023. Check out the results and see who takes top position here.

A love heart shape and the words "Expensive Health Delays"

7 Nov 2023 16:29

Expensive health delays

Written by James McCay

A Compare the Market survey reveals that one-in-five people across Australia, Canada and the USA delay necessary surgeries due to health costs. Read more here.

The text "Dog vs Cat People Survey" on a purple background with off white bone and fish outlines and yellow horizontal accent lines

31 Oct 2023 15:30

Dog vs cat people: The definitive survey

Written by James McCay

Compare the Market surveys 3,000 people across Australia, Canada and the USA to find out who are cat and dog people, and their motivations behind owning a pet.

a speed camera on a brown cracked background with a title card reading "strictest road rules"

25 Oct 2023 10:54

Which countries have the strictest road rules?

Written by James McCay

Compare the Market goes through the data for 17 countries to find which ones are the strictest in terms of road rules. Check out the results here.

A child embracing their mother with a text box saying "Best cities to raise a family"

25 Oct 2023 09:59

The best cities to raise a family

Written by James McCay

Which cities are the best in the world to raise a family? Compare the Market takes a look at the data and ranks 38 global cities based on 12 data points.

Smoke and flame with the words "Slackest Smoke Alarm Laws"

22 Sep 2023 15:44

Slackest Smoke Alarm Laws

Written by James McCay

Compare the Market explores 40 countries and finds which countries have the weakest laws regarding smoke alarms in residential homes.

4 Aug 2023 10:14

Cyclist and scooter-friendly cities across the globe

Written by James McCay

Compare the Market ranks 33 global cities based on the popularity of cycling, bicycle network sizes, helmet laws and the number of e-scooter providers.

parents looking at baby on bed with fed filter and title card reading "Countries Bucking The Decline In Birth Rate"

31 Jul 2023 14:47

Countries bucking the decline in birth rate

Written by James McCay

Compare the Market explores data to see which of 41 nations are bucking a global decline in birth rates and ranks them based on five different factors.

An EV car charging in front of a dark background with the title overlay reading "The Most Searched Car Brands For EVs"

27 Jul 2023 10:32

The most searched brands for EVs

Written by James McCay

Compare the Market has crunched the data on which car brands people are looking for online when it comes to electric cars, to find the most searched brand for EVs.

a shadow of a plane over a beach with the words "Most Searched Holiday Destinations"

12 Jul 2023 16:00

The most popular holiday destinations

Written by James McCay

Compare the Market has crunched the numbers to find the most popular holiday destinations in almost every country on Earth. Check out the results here.

6 Jul 2023 08:58

Changes in debt vs assets during the pandemic

Written by James McCay

Compare the Market has crunched the data on how 31 countries fared when it comes to the average household debt and financial assets per capita during COVID-19.

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