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Compare the Market

What’s our number one goal? To help every Australian make better decisions when researching & buying products that they depend on.

Stories by Compare the Market

1 Dec 2015 07:25

How to deal with dealer delivery

Written by Compare the Market

Avoid paying too much for your new car by negotiating your dealer delivery charges. We explain how you should go about doing this.

19 Oct 2015 08:53

Is Australia the most expensive place for grocery shopping?

Written by Compare the Market

We pay a lot for food, but are we the most expensive country in the world? We look at what’s driving the market and why food prices may be so high.


3 Jul 2015 17:24

The road rules you didn’t know you were breaking

Written by Compare the Market

Think you know all the rules of the road? Well, Compare the Market take a look at some of the road rules you didn't know you were breaking.

Group of friends driving while protected by car insurance for young drivers

29 May 2015 16:01

Statistics to convince your kids not to drive with a mobile phone

Written by Compare the Market

There’s some pretty confronting statistics out there when it comes to driving and texting, talking and other being distracted by our mobile phones.

12 Sep 2014 13:52

Is Technology Turning You Into a Zombie?

Written by Compare the Market

Are you or someone you know at risk of becoming The Walking Dead because of a serious technology addiction? Check out our infographic for the warning signs.

3 Jul 2014 10:50

10 ways to feel good naturally

Written by Compare the Market

This infographic details 10 ways to help you feel good without artificial mood enhancers.

23 Jun 2014 14:01

DIY Car Detailing – Dog Hair Edition

Written by Compare the Market

Remove pet hair from your car interior easily with these DIY detailing tips.

2 May 2014 14:26

A Man’s Best Friend: His Shed!

Written by Compare the Market

Your shed may be your haven, but it’s not impervious to theft or damage. Keep reading to get the lowdown on protecting your gear the right way.

25 Feb 2014 14:22

Car Insurance – Are Extras Worth It?

Written by Compare the Market

Car insurance extras can be a little confusing – which ones do you really need? Check out our guide to figure out which extras will suit you best.

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