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Adrian Taylor

As the Executive General Manager of General Insurance at Compare the Market, Adrian Taylor has over 13 years’ experience in the financial services industry. Adrian specialises in customer experience and is dedicated to helping customers better understand insurance products so they can save money on their household bills.

Stories by Adrian Taylor

customers reading higher electricity bill

7 Sep 2023 10:50

Almost 1 in 6 people don’t know what cover they have under their insurance policy

Written by Noémi Hadnagy, reviewed by Adrian Taylor

Compare the Market research has revealed that 15.1% of people never read their product disclaimer statement or insurance policy documents, leaving them unaware of policy exclusions and other conditions

5 Sep 2023 08:39

More than 40% of Aussies don’t pay for their holidays upfront

Written by Natasha Innes, reviewed by Adrian Taylor

Many Aussies are left with debt lag because they pay for their holidays on credit, new research shows.

woman feeding her puppy pet food

25 Aug 2023 09:00

Pets’ naughtiest habits revealed

Written by Noémi Hadnagy, reviewed by Adrian Taylor

The latest research from Compare the Market has found that more than a quarter of pets are eating too much, earning it the title of naughtiest pet behaviour.

woman in her kitchen writing a list of her contents for insurance purposes

23 Aug 2023 08:42

1 in 4 contents policyholders could be wasting money by auto-renewing

Written by Noémi Hadnagy, reviewed by Adrian Taylor

The latest research from Compare the Market has found that almost a quarter of Australian contents policyholders (23.3%) could be wasting money by letting their policy auto-renew.

Guy pleased with new car insurance

22 Aug 2023 11:51

No need for speed: Queensland’s dirty driving habits exposed in new survey

Written by Phillip Portman, reviewed by Adrian Taylor

The dirty driving habits of Queensland motorists have been exposed in a new survey.

7 Aug 2023 09:09

A generational tail of pet ownership

Written by Noémi Hadnagy, reviewed by Adrian Taylor

Compared the Market surveyed over a 1,000 pet owners across Australia and found that there is deep generational divide in how people care for their pets.

27 Jul 2023 09:42

A third of Australians have lost their luggage while travelling

Written by Noémi Hadnagy, reviewed by Adrian Taylor

The latest research from Compare the Market has found that one in three (31.7%) Australians have lost their luggage while travelling

24 Jul 2023 11:02

Nearly half of Australians let their pet sleep with them

Written by Noémi Hadnagy, reviewed by Adrian Taylor

The latest research from Compare the Market found that 41.4% of Australian pet owners allow their four-legged friends to sleep in bed with them

man inspecting termite damage

22 Jun 2023 13:21

Damage caused by pesky pests: what’s covered and what’s not

Written by Natasha Innes, reviewed by Adrian Taylor

Damage caused by pests, pets, rats and rodents aren’t typically covered by home and contents insurance.

australian driver speeding

11 May 2023 12:16

1/3 of Australian drivers risking thousands of dollars in fines

Written by Natasha Innes, reviewed by Adrian Taylor

Australian drivers are facing huge fines for breaking road rules.

man eating behind the wheel

28 Apr 2023 08:59

The surprising illegal habit 60% of Aussies do behind the wheel

Written by Natasha Innes, reviewed by Adrian Taylor

According to a recent Compare the Market survey, a shocking 60% of Australians have eaten food while behind the wheel.

28 Apr 2023 08:46

Gen Z declared the most dangerous on the roads

Written by Natasha Innes, reviewed by Adrian Taylor

New Compare the Market research has found that Zoomers are the most dangerous on Aussie roads.

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